Minimizing the Pain of Raising Capital
Russ Alan Prince, 4/18/05
Minimizing The Pain Of Raising Capital For Private Equity Firms
The three critical success factors for private equity funds are doing deals, building portfolio companies, and raising capital. And, for the most part, this list is in order of preference. That is, based on research with general partners, private equity firms tend to find raising capital the least appealing function.
Most private equity firms raise monies for a fund and then stop making efforts to connect with potential investors until they decide to start another fund. In general, especially for mid-sized and smaller private equity firms, raising capital is a start-and-stop process where each start is a sprint from a dead stop.
Drawing on best practices in business development, there are two key approaches – persistent marketing and thought leadership – that can make raising capital for new funds significantly easier and more productive.
Persistent Marketing
For private equity firms, having a continuous presence in their chosen marketplace and in the mindshare of their target audiences is more important than ever before, particularly in the age of social media. It’s a more modern approach to developing a brand and engaging with customers than the traditional cyclical campaigns of limited duration. The typical fund raise can be viewed as a campaign; an activity (or series of activities) oriented around a specific goal or message that occurs within a defined timeframe.
The idea of a higher profile probably feels uncomfortable for an industry that has heretofore led a relatively low profile existence, but it doesn’t have to mean billboards, glossy magazine spreads and obnoxious sponsorships. “Activities that allow GPs to connect with LPs and influencers in meaningful and appropriate ways can help create valuable awareness,” says Grove. “This includes things like a smart web presence, a position as an opinion leader on relevant topics, and participation at key meetings and forums. A certain degree of ubiquity is required in order to cultivate and sustain long-term relationships.”
On a related note, this means that private equity firms can benefit significantly from a position as a thought leader in the areas where they invest. It proves remarkably important when fundraising outside the strict institutional arena, say with family offices or individual qualified purchasers, and can help substantiate fees. Another powerful advantage of a thought leadership approach is its appeal to the new breed of entrepreneurs, which in turn can result in better access to high-caliber deals for the fund and, possibly, favorable deal terms.
This is not about a fund being an expert on investing in healthcare, for example, but rather demonstrating that a firm and the individual members of a team have critical expertise in all stages of the value chain that can benefit the healthcare sector, underlying healthcare companies, and investors. The key to thought leadership in this context is ingenuity and, as with all other marketing activities, persistency. Private equity firms must commit to ongoing efforts – whether they’re in fund raising mode or not – and to creative communications that take into account the needs and interests of their key constituencies.
By becoming thought leaders, mid-sized and smaller private equity firms can mitigate much of the anxiety and aggravation of capital raising. In doing so, funds will likely be larger and close faster with the added benefit of attracting more high-quality deals.